
Download Stock / Default Wallpapers & Ringtones of LG G3 for any Android device

One of the brilliant and the fastest growing technology giant, LG G3 has finally been released by LG Electronics. So for all those who wanted to make use of the stock / default wallpapers, ringtones and system sounds for their Android smartphones can now rejoice. LG G3 is the flagship smartphone for the year 2014 and comes with tons of new features and enhancements which is sure to impress you. In the due course of this article we will be helping you download the goodies of LG G3 so that you can then make use of them for your Android smartphone or tablet. Head over to LG G3 section to get complete coverage on worldwide pricing, comparison with LG G2 and other flagship smartphones.

G3 Wallpapers

Almost all the wallpapers of LG G3 comes with the stunning looks and in all LG G3 comes with the 10 wallpapers which are of HD Quality along with the resolution of 2880 x 2560px. The best part is that you can install all these wallpapers for almost any android phone as these are the static wallpapers and not the live wallpapers. The reason on why Live wallpapers haven’t been so hit because they consume hell lot of battery.

Procedure to make use of LG G3 Wallpapers and Ringtones in your Android:

  • Download LG G3 Wallpapers and Ringtones package from here to your computer. Once downloaded, unzip the same to the “Wallpapers” and “Ringtones” folder in your computer.
  • Connect your phone to the computer and place the downloaded “Wallpapers” and “Ringtones” folder in your device.
  • Once placed, disconnect the device from computer to navigate to the path where you placed “Wallpapers” and “Ringtones” folder in your device with the help of some explorer or “ES File Explorer” to set as your Wallpaper or ringtone.

Do let us know in the comments section just in case if you face any issues in the process of setting Wallpaper or ringtone in your device. We will very soon be coming up with many other wallpaper articles.



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