Galaxy S III

Download Stock Ringtones of Samsung Galaxy S3 GT I9300

S3 LogoExclusive: Samsung Galaxy S3 stock / default ringtones are here which are the official ones. You can now make use of these tones in any of the smartphones. In all there are 6 stock ringtones which we managed to extract which were in the .ogg format. But, we made it simpler by converting these into the mp3 format so that you can then set them as your ringtones. The best part of this is that anyone with their Android phone irrespective of the current firmware version can download and set these ringtones. Just in case if you missed it then, we also saw on how you can make use of Stock Wallpapers of Samsung Galaxy S3.

Let’s proceed to the next step where we have summed up the detailed guide on how to download and set the stock Galaxy S III I9300 ringtones in your phone.

Procedure to Set Samsung Galaxy S3 Ringtones in your Android Phone:

  • Download the Samsung Galaxy S3 Stock Ringtones package in your computer and then you need to unzip the same. For your convenience we haven’t set any password for this zip package. Rename the unzipped folder as “Ringtones”. Match the extracted files with the below mentioned image, even if single file is missing, then you need to again re download the zip file and extract the same.,

Galaxy S3 wallpapers

  • Enable the USB Debugging in your Android from the path “Settings > Applications > Development > USB debugging”. The USB Debugging option should be ticked.

Note: Don’t extract this Zip file in your Android directly as it may not detect in your Android after extracting the files.

  • Connect your Android device to the computer in the mass storage mode to copy this “Ringtones” folder in your phone. Once copied, disconnect the phone from the computer.
  • Up next, you need to navigate to the “Ringtones” folder and long press on the ringtone you wish to set it as your ringtone.

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Do let us know in the comments section just in case if you face any issues while setting the default Ringtones of Samsung Galaxy S3 in your Android phone as we will try to solve your issue at the earliest.




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