Google Nexus S

How to Root Nexus S – Android 2.3 Gingerbread with Bootloader

Nexus S Root LogoSo, with the arrival of Nexus S which powers the latest Android operating system Gingerbread 2.3, rooting of Nexus S is what we want now so as to start customizing the Nexus S as per our needs. So, let’s proceed for a procedure where in you can successfully root your Nexus S device very easily. It’s just couple of days when Nexus S was commercially made available for purchase from Best buy stores. The device can be rooted with super user permissions on it.

Procedure to root Nexus S mobile device:

  • First of all you will need to go to fast boot mode / boot loader mode which can be entered by holding Volume up key and power button.
  • Now, you will need to download recovery-clockwork-herring and need to transfer the same into the root of SD Card and need to boot into Clockwork recovery and then you will have to install the su- file by downloading the same from here or it can also be downloaded from an all new Android Market place. This is it you have now successfully rooted your Nexus S mobile device.

So, just by following three simple steps you can easily root your Nexus S device.



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