Galaxy S II

How to Root Samsung Galaxy S2 GT I9100 on XXLQ5 ICS 4.0.4 Firmware

Samsung Galaxy S2 LogoUsers who have upgraded their Samsung Galaxy S2 smartphone with the latest ICS Android 4.0.4 firmware can now root the device easily with the help of simple instructions. Please note that once you root the device, the warranty will get void. The only way with which you can revoke the root access is by re applying the update of XXLQ5 ICS 4.0.4 update. Before proceeding, you need to ensure that you are on the XXLQ5 firmware. You can check the same from the path “Settings > About Phone” where the firmware version should read as XXLPQ. If you are not on XXLQ5 firmware, then you will have to Update Galaxy S2 I9100G with ICS XXLQ5 ICS 4.0.4 firmware.

Disclaimer: This update should only be applied to the devices which have the device model name as Samsung Galaxy S II. This should not be applied to the NETWORK LOCKED version of Galaxy S II. Androidadvices should not be held responsible or liable for any sort of damage happened to your device due to not following of instructions.

We will be very soon coming up with the custom ROM firmwares which are based on the XXLQ5 version of firmware for which rooting of the device is a must. Once rooted, you can then install many custom ROM firmwares and the apps which need the rooting access.

  • There is no need to back up the data just if you are rooting the device. Enable the USB Debugging from the path “Settings > Applications > Development > USB debugging” and also you will have to ensure that the minimum battery life should be 50% so as to ensure that the phone doesn’t get turned Off in the middle of update.
  • Close / Disable all the antivirus suites as well as Firewall tools as these tools generally tend to interrupt the process of firmware update.

So assuming that you have followed all the above mentioned instructions, you can now proceed to the next page where we have summed up a detailed guide on how to rot your Samsung Galaxy S II GT I9100. Follow all the instructions mentioned so as to facilitate smoother rooting process.

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